Ep 13: Living an Optimistic Life In a Pessimistic Culture feat. Dr. David Murray

Today I’m in the room with Dr. David Murray. He is the pastor of Grand Rapids Free Reformed Church and the Professor of Practical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He’s written a fascinating and helpful new book called, “The Happy Christian: Ten Ways to Be a Joyful Believer in a Gloomy World.”

In our conversation we discuss the unfortunate stigma surrounding mental health in the church, why our minds matter so much in the pursuit of happiness, and how we can live optimistic lives without losing a realistic grasp on the world we live in.

Buy The Happy Christian on Amazon- rdmptn.org/HappyChristian

Connect with Dr. Murray on his BLOG (headhearthand.org/blog) and TWITTER- (twitter.com/davidpmurray).


Ep 14: The Challenges of Being a Pastor’s Kid feat. Barnabas Piper


Ep 12: Enjoying the Things of God Without Worshipping Them feat. Joe Rigney