what is spiritual direction?
Designing our lives for deeper relationship with God.
That’s a fair question.
While spiritual direction has a long and rich legacy within historic christianity, it is a spiritual practice that is foreign to many of us who grew up within the protestant tradition of faith. So let me tell you a bit about it…
Spiritual direction is a relationship.
Spiritual direction is a type of relationship in which one follower of Jesus helps another recognize God’s movement in their lives and how He’s inviting them to respond for deeper relationship with Him.
In essence, it’s a particular type of relationship in which someone helps us design our lives for deeper relationship with God.
It’s important to distinguish spiritual direction from therapy, pastoral counseling, and coaching. Each of these good and necessary practices are focused on a different kind of problem solving. Spiritual direction is not meant to help solve problems as its primary intent. Our goal is to walk together in such a way that helps you discern where the Spirit has been and currently is at work within your story and how He’s inviting you to respond for a deeper experience of healing relationship with Him.
We always start with a quick check-in. Just a word or two about how you’re feeling (anxious, calm, angry, joyful, energized, etc.). We then open with a contemplative prayer practice, most often using Lectio Divina. The rest of the session is spent with you processing your experience.
If you happen to live in the Salt Lake City area, sessions are offered in person at the Formation Church ministry center. If you live outside the Salt Lake City area, sessions are offered virtually via Zoom.
Initially, we aim for meetings every two to three weeks until you get comfortable with the rhythm. Once we’re settled, we meet once a month. There are always exceptions, but this is the most common schedule. We always seek to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
After your initial consultation, I'll send you a link that allows you to book sessions according to your availability.
Sessions cost $100, and payment is due at the time of scheduling.

“Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real director - the holy spirit hidden in the depths of our soul.”
— Thomas Merton