3 People Every Pastor Needs

Pastoral ministry can be lonely work for a number of reasons. 

Some pastors don’t know how to have meaningful relationships. Others live under the crushing weight of a misplaced Messiah complex that keeps them from connecting with others. Often times church planters, or pastors in new churches are simply isolated and don’t truly know anyone.  

Pastors preach the importance of community, but often fail to participate in it. The reality is, every pastor, just like ever other person, needs the right people in their life, in order to pursue health and endure for the long haul. While every pastor would benefit from a deep well of diverse relationships, here are three I believe to be critical… 

1. A Friend

A friend is an equal - no performance, no pretense - just someone you can be yourself with. A friend knows your flaws and has seen you fail. A friend is someone you can be vulnerable with and won’t flinch from calling you on the carpet when your sin needs confronting. A friend stands by your side even when it’s messy. On the most difficult days, there is no substitute for a faithful friend.  

2. A Pastor

Even pastors need a pastor. You need someone who can shepherd your heart, provide you with counsel, comfort, encourage, and challenge you. Pastors need a pastor who will speak God’s Word to them and pray for them. People call their pastor when the wheels fall off their lives and the pastor needs a pastor he can call as well. It can be difficult to find, but we must be determined to do so.

3. A Cheerleader

Pastoral ministry is often discouraging. Criticism can be frequent, and the obviously fruitful days can seem few and far between. A cheerleader isn’t there to coach you, criticize you, or kick you in the teethe. A cheerleader is on your team, in your corner, and fully behind you. You need this person! A cheerleader sees their primary role as providing a steady stream of encouragement. 

Do you have the relationships you need to go the distance, pastor? Maybe it’s time to get intentional about this. You can’t do it alone. Find a friend, pursue a pastor, and pray for a cheerleader to encourage you in season and out. Pastoral ministry is a team sport, so how’s your team looking?


What relationships have been most significant to your ministry? Leave a comment here...


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