Have You Prayed About It?
I was frustrated - which in and of itself is not an abnormal experience for me, unfortunately. I was in the midst of one of the few short walks I take each day, trudging around the neighborhood next to my office, wrestling through one of the many leadership issues every pastor faces on a regular basis. In this particular situation I had tried everything I could think of. I did not know what to do. I was tired of trying to figure it out.
It was into this ever-growing frustration that the Holy Spirit spoke a simple question that stopped me in my tracks. As I was turning this issue over and over, trying to find an angle, trying to find yet another way to come at the same issue through a new means, the Holy Spirit asked me, "Have you prayed about it?"
The honest answer was, "No."
I had wrestled with it. I had thought about it. I had even labored over what to do.
The one thing I had not done was stop and ask the Spirit of God for wisdom.
Here is why that was so convicting for me. James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him." Do you see what a profound promise this is?! James is saying that God desires to give us the wisdom we need to accomplish all He has called us to. God is not stingy with wisdom. He is not holding back, hoping you are smarter than a fifth grader. He gives wisdom generously, meaning when we ask for wisdom He never gives us confusion. Instead He gives us...wait for it...WISDOM! The only condition is that we ask in faith, believing He will provide what He has promised (James 1:6-7).
My guess is I am not the only one who has invested hours of mindshare trying to work my way through headaches, pain points, and uncertainty. We all have circumstances in our marriages, relationships, ministries, and vocations that we simply do not know what to do with, don't we?
Think about your life. What is something you are currently facing that you are uncertain how to handle? Is it a work issue? A potential, or looming transition? A conversation, or conflict? A leadership decision? Where are you currently lacking wisdom? I would ask you the same question the Holy Spirit asked me - Have you prayed about it?
Before you call your mom, have coffee with a friend, or schedule a meeting with your pastor, have you asked the One who possesses the wisdom you need for the uncertainty you are facing to grant it to you? You can still call your mom, have coffee with a friend, and meet with your pastor, just do that after you have asked God Himself for the wisdom He has promised you.
Where are you lacking wisdom? Prior to running to anyone or anything for help, have you asked the Spirit of God to provide the wisdom He has promised you? Have you prayed about it?
Question: Has there ever been a time when you lacked wisdom, asked God for it, and received it? You can leave a comment by clicking here.